Surrogate Partner Therapy Info Sessions

for prospective clients

Surrogate Partner Therapy is a really unique way to seek support around challenges of intimacy and connection.  It’s also not for everyone.  We are happy to offer a monthly Info Session where prospective clients can come to hear about SPT and engage in a Q&A.  It is really common to want to ask questions about how SPT might look for you specifically or ask about certain parts of the process.  While every surrogate and therapist team will bring their own particular strengths and skills to the work, we’re happy to take the time to share about the general SPT process to help you know what to expect. 

What should I know about the group?  

-The Info Session is offered once per month and anyone can join.  Folks are welcome to return multiple times if new questions arise and they feel this would be the best place to find the answers.  

-We know that seeking support around intimacy is inherently vulnerable.  Participants will be asked to respect the privacy of others, keeping any personal questions or stories that are shared within the group. Participants are also welcome to join anonymously, with camera and microphone off, to simply receive information from the facilitator(s).  

-There may be discussions of sex and sexuality in these Info Sessions.  As we talk about the process of SPT and as people ask questions, topics around sex and sexuality may come up.  Any discussion of this nature will be done in a strictly professional capacity.  Participants and hosts will not be sexualized and participants may be removed from the meeting for violating this dynamic (including, but not limited to engaging in self-touch during the Info Session or seeking information about participants’ sexual preferences).

-Info Sessions will be 60-90 minutes long, depending on the size of the group.

-You will receive a reminder email 24-48 hours prior to the Info Session with the Zoom Link.